Migraine is a genetic , complex neurobiological disorder. It’s not your fault. It is just the way we are made to this world. Our brains are more sensitive to generate changes in electrical activity and chemical activity culminating in to myriad of symptoms of migraine easily. It does not make you a weaker person . We can live well with migraine . We can beat the stigma. Remember. There are well over billion human beings like us. We must be able to tackle this carnage. Let us do this together.
Recent research uses the mnemonic SEEDS to outline five types of lifestyle changes you can make to manage migraine: sleep, exercise, eat, diary and stress.
Sleep well- Not too much. Not too little. Master the sleep hygiene tips. AIM plan to tackle this with cour collaborator Professor Shantha Rajaratnam, Turner Institute , Monash University in the coming weeks. Tune in to #migrainetv #brainhealthtv soon. Watch the space
Excercise daily. I try to walk daily. Despite how crazy and busy my days are. Try and build your self walk at least 45 minutes everyday. This is just as good as taking Topiramate 200 mg daily for six months- this work is completed and published . Aim for a small time slot and build it up.
Eat healthy- lots of green stuff and yellow stuff, fruits and nuts too. Frequent, small, healthy meals are the best. Hydrate well. Drink ample amount of water. Caffeine may lead to medication overuse headache. Lets talk more on Caffein on a different daily tip soon...
Diary is the key to know that you are not moving towards medication overuse headaches. I have been to this dark place few times in the past and diary is critical to not to go there. We aim to dedicate the #migrainetv #brainhealthtv to this topic soon.
Master the skills to deal with stress. Stress is part of our daily lives. Let us improve our skills to deal with it better. Be the nicest human being you can be. Stay focus to the each moment. Our past and future are not real. Develop your skills in mindfullness and kindfullness. Lets talk more on these themes to learn from one another.